Red-necked wallaby

Macropus Rufogriseus Fruitica

IUCN Status: Least concern


Grasses and herbs make up the majority of their diet, though the leaves from low hanging branches are nibbled too. Seasonal Fruits are also eaten when fallen to the ground.


Red-necked wallabies breed throughout the year birthing one joey. The mother will give birth after only one month! But the joey will be very under-developed. This tiny joey will climb up to the pouch where it will suckle. After around 6 months it may pop its head out, and then at 7 months may climb out of the pouch for short periods. It will leave the pouch completely at 9 months, but will continue to stick its head back into the pouch to suckle until it is 12-17 months old! One month after this joey leaves the pouch and a new joey will be born.

At The Zoo

Our original wallabies were all hand reared by us, so there descendents are very steady and tame. Our"mob" population is always changing due to new births but our breeding male who is "Bert", he is easy to spot as he is the biggest. You can feed our wallabies at one of our many free daily encounter activities.


These wallabies range from eastern Australia right down into the south and Tasmania following forests and woodlands, favourably with an adjacent grassy area

Fun Facts

Their ears are quite large and can move independently, swivelling 180º. It is thought this could be a way of signalling other wallabies like an air traffic controller and his flags!


In the wild they will usually live solitary lives, though will come together to forage in groups in late afternoon through till dawn.